The Heavensward promotion coincides with the ongoing Free Login Campaign, which allows lapsed players to play free for up to seven days until the campaign ends on June 17. The FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward promotional website is available at: In addition, those who take advantage of the offer will gain access to all the additional content that was introduced during the Heavensward patch series, including an array of dungeons, trials, raids, quests and more. Players will get access to sprawling new areas, flying mounts, three additional jobs (Dark Knight, Astrologian, and Machinist), an additional playable race (the Au Ra), and more. It tells the story of the Warrior of Light as he journeys to Ishgard, a city-state mired in the Dragonsong War, a thousand-year conflict with the dragons of the Dravanian Horde. Originally released in 2015, Heavensward picks up immediately following the events of A Realm Reborn. This gives new and returning players a great opportunity to get a taste of the adventures that await in the second expansion pack, Stormblood™, and the upcoming third expansion pack, Shadowbringers™. * A subscription fee is required to play.FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE’S AWARD-WINNING HEAVENSWARD EXPANSION AVAILABLE FOR FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME Starter Edition Owners Can Obtain Popular Expansion for Free Until June 27 LOS ANGELES (May 2, 2019) – SQUARE ENIX® announced that from today to June 27, owners of the FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online Starter Edition (also known as A Realm Reborn®) on Windows, Mac, and the PlayStation ®4 computer entertainment system will be able to add Heavensward™, the award-winning first expansion pack for the critically acclaimed MMO, to their account for free to keep in perpetuity.

* Registration of this product grants users access to Endwalker, as well as previous expansion packs, Stormblood and Shadowbringers. In order to register this product, you will need a method to play FINAL FANTASY XIV that does not include the free trial. * This is the latest FINAL FANTASY XIV expansion pack and is intended for existing users who own the full version of FINAL FANTASY XIV, as this product cannot be played on its own. * PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, and Steam players are recommended to purchase the Collector's Box on the Square Enix Store, and visit PlayStation™Store or Steam to purchase the Endwalker Digital Collector's Edition from those platforms. * The physical Collector's Box is bundled together with the Windows® or Mac Digital Collector's Editions on the Square Enix Store.

* The included copy of Endwalker is a digital download. The Endwalker Collector’s Edition is a bundle containing a copy of the Digital Collector's Edition and the physical Collector's Box. FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker Collector's Edition